The following function performs identical functionality to the MirrorHaulRoute function. Users of the TravelTime objects may wish to use a modified version of this code to implement mirror functionality that suits the given simulation scenario.
Sub Mirror()
Dim tt As Object
Set tt = CreateObject("TRAVELTIMECOM.TravelTime")
Dim hr As Object
Set hr = tt.HaulRoute
hr.LoadTalpacTextFile ("C:\Haul Cycle1.txt")
Dim segCount As Double
segCount = hr.Count
Dim bFoundLast As Boolean
For lRow = segCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
Dim orig As Object
Set orig = hr.Item(lRow)
Dim seg As Object
Set seg = CreateObject("TRAVELTIMECOM.HaulSegment")
Set seg = orig
If Not bFoundLast Then
orig.FinalVelocity = 0
bFoundLast = True
End If
' Reverse Grade
Dim dGrade As Double
dGrade = seg.Grade
seg.Grade = -dGrade
' Reverse Load
Dim dWeight As Double
dWeight = seg.WeightPercent
If dWeight > 0# Then
seg.WeightPercent = 0#
seg.WeightPercent = 100
End If
' Add the new segment
hr.Add seg
Next lRow
If segCount > 0 Then
' Set the final forward velocity to 0.
orig.FinalVelocity = 0
End If
' Final of previous must not exceed max of current
For lRow = segCount To hr.Count() - 2
Dim SegFirst As Object
Dim SegNext As Object
Set SegFirst = hr.Item(lRow)
Set SegNext = hr.Item(lRow + 1)
Dim dMaxVel As Double
dMaxVel = SegNext.MaximumVelocity
If (dMaxVel <> HRP_MAX_VEL_MAX) Then
Dim dFinalVel As Double
dFinalVel = SegFirst.FinalVelocity
If (dFinalVel < 0 Or dFinalVel > dMaxVel) Then
SegFirst.FinalVelocity = dMaxVel
End If
End If
Next lRow
hr.SaveToFile ("C:\Haul CycleMirror.txt")
End Sub