XPAC Reference Guide

Data field codes

Data field codes

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Data field codes

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Data field codes and levels are used to uniquely identify a data field, enabling reference by XCM scripts for data manipulation as well as reference from other parts of XPAC*,* such as schedule setup.

A data field code may consist of up to 12 alpha numeric characters, but it must start with a letter. Blanks and underscore characters are not permitted. There is a further restriction on the full code name length of 39 characters

Data field codes should not be the same as the following reserved words:


Data field codes may be used in XCM to reference data fields.

Display full code name

It is possible to display the full code name for the data fields from within data field design and in the data sheet pane of the database window. To do this access the right click menu and select Full Row Codes. The menu item will be ticked to indicate the full code names are displayed. To change the display back to only show the code name, click the same item on the menu.

When the full code name is displayed it will be preceded by a lower case letter. For the main database it is an 'm', for a calendar database it is a 'c' and for a results database it is an 'r'. The data field codes cannot be edited while the full code names are displayed.

Copy full row code

If required, you can copy the full row code of a field in the data sheet.

1.Select the field that you want to copy the row code for in the data sheet.
2.Right-click the field and select Copy Full Row Code.

XPAC copies the full row code of the field to the clipboard.