XPAC Reference Guide

How do I display charts?

How do I display charts?

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How do I display charts?

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To display data points as text labels:

1.From the Attributes list, drag & drop a field to the shelf of the Rows card. Analysis reports will display labels for the field along the left side of the Pivot Grid.
2.From the Measures list, drag & drop a field to the shelf of the Columns card. Analysis reports will display a scale along the bottom edge of the Pivot Grid.
3.From the Attributes or Measures list, drag & drop any field to the Label field of the Encodings card. The Abc... default text is replaced with the text value of the data.

Bar chart

To display data in a simple bar chart:

1.From the Attributes list, drag & drop a field to the shelf of the Rows card. Analysis reports will display labels for the field along the left side of the Pivot Grid.
2.From the Measures list, drag & drop a field to the shelf of the Columns card. Analysis reports will display a scale along the bottom edge of the Pivot Grid.
3.On the Encodings card, select Bar from the Marking drop-down list.
4.From the Measures list, drag & drop the same field that you have on the Columns shelf to the Label field on the Encodings card. A label for each data point will display the value of the data at the end of each bar in the Pivot Grid.

Labelled data

To display data in a line chart with data labels:

1.From the Attributes list, drag & drop a field to the shelf of the Rows card. Analysis reports will display labels for the field along the left side of the Pivot Grid.
2.From the Measures list, drag & drop a field to the shelf of the Columns card. Analysis reports will display a scale along the bottom edge of the Pivot Grid.
3.On the Encodings card, select Line from the Marking drop-down list.
4.From the Measures list, drag & drop the same field that you have on the Columns shelf to the Label field on the Encodings card. A label for each data point will display the value of the data on the line in the Pivot Grid.

Scatter circles

To display data in a circle chart with circle size representing a second measure:

1.From the Attributes list, drag & drop a field to the shelf of the Rows card. Analysis reports will display labels for the field along the left side of the Pivot Grid.
2.From the Measures list, drag & drop a field to the shelf of the Columns card. Analysis reports will display a scale along the bottom edge of the Pivot Grid.
3.On the Encodings card, select Circle from the Marking drop-down list.
4.From the Measures list, drag & drop the same field that you have on the Columns shelf to the Size field on the Encodings card. Analysis reports will display a Legend card to the right of the Pivot Grid and each data point will display as a circle of a different size, based on the value of the data represented.

Scatter shapes

To display data in a shape chart with colours representing a second measure:

1.From the Attributes list, drag & drop a field to the shelf of the Rows card. Analysis reports will display labels for the field along the left side of the Pivot Grid.
2.From the Measures list, drag & drop a field to the shelf of the Columns card. Analysis reports will display a scale along the bottom edge of the Pivot Grid.
3.On the Encodings card, select Shape from the Marking drop-down list. Analysis reports displays a new field, Shape, on the Encodings card.
4.From the Attributes list, drag & drop the same field that you have on the Rows shelf to the Shape field on the Encodings card. Analysis reports will display a Shape legend to the right of the Pivot Grid and the circles will change to different shapes, based on the value of the data represented.
5.From the Measures list, drag & drop the same field that you have on the Columns card to the Color field on the Encodings card. Analysis reports will display a Color legend to the right of the Pivot Grid and display the shapes in different colours, based on the value of the data represented.