Parameters databases are used to store data that may be required for calculations within your XPAC project. You can have any number of Parameters databases in an XPAC project. The parameters can be easily updated, although protection can be applied to prevent them from being accidentally modified. They can be read from the Parameters database and then included in any calculations using XCM. The parameters can also be printed out for validation or reporting.
Parameters databases can be used to store information that might once have been stored in spreadsheets. It is easy for a spreadsheet to get separated from your XPAC project and it is also easy to use the wrong version of a spreadsheet. Parameters databases eliminate or reduce the risk of these problems occurring. The parameters are located within the same file as the XPAC project, so they cannot be misplaced.
Parameters that have been buried within the logic of an XCM are also much better placed in a Parameters database. They are more auditable and there is less chance of some parameters being overlooked when they are updated.
In general, any parameter that varies across your deposit is suitable for placement in a Parameters database. The parameter may vary for any one or more of your Main database levels. It may also vary in some other way that is unrelated to your Main database structure.
Some examples of data that you might store in a Parameters database are listed below:
• | Equipment Productivity by bench, area, destination, etc. |
• | Maximum mining rates per area (AutoScheduler only). |
• | Dragline horizon thickness for each pit. |
• | Minimum and maximum shovel bench heights. |
• | Minimum drill and blast thickness. |
• | Default coal quality for each seam where data is missing (eg. ash, SE, moisture, etc). |
• | Coal loss and waste dilution thicknesses by seam. |
• | Waste dilution quality for the top and base of each seam. |
• | Minimum mineable coal and parting thicknesses by seam. |
• | Coal seam washability data. |