Product fields are used to display the product of the values of two other data fields, ie. one data field multiplied by the other.
When a Product field is selected in the field type window, two fields are displayed in the lower half of the window where you should enter the two data fields for which you require the product. The two data fields will be multiplied together. Each of the fields are selected from a drop down list of all data fields.
Product fields will automatically be assigned a zero activity number. The two data fields used in the calculation of a Product field may have any activity number.
At the lowest level of the database, a field set to Product will display the value of the first data field (Product1) in the record multiplied by the value of the second data field (Product2) in the record. At upper levels, a field set to Product will display the calculated upper level value of the first data field (Product1) divided by the calculated upper level value of the second data field (Product2).
Wherever a Product field is used, the component data fields (ie. Product1 and Product2) will always be calculated before the Product field is calculated.