XPAC Reference Guide



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The following table lists all the valid components that might complete a field in the Result column:










Division. Reports an error if dividing by zero.


Divide a by b. If b is equal to zero, then this function will return zero.

M(Data Field Number or Code)

For each record scheduled in a time period, the value from the main database data field is accumulated according to its field type. Only records scheduled for the activity associated with this data field will be accumulated (unless the Activity filter is used). For additive fields, the data field value is multiplied by the scheduled percentage. For weighted average fields, the data field value is weighted by the scheduled percentage times its weighting field. Title, Class, Note and Date fields will report a blank in the results.

The data field number or code must be a valid data field number or code in the main database.

Eg. M(mWst_Thk), M(50).

C(Data Field Number or Code)

Reports the value in the calendar database data field for the corresponding time period. The data field number or code must be a valid data field number or code in the calendar database.

Eg. C(CShv_Utl), C(35).

R(Line Number or Code)

Fields that are calculated in the report writer can be used in any subsequent field calculation using R variables. The line number refers to the line number in the report writer. If fields are inserted, the line numbers must be updated manually. Alternatively the report writer field codes can be used. The benefit in using field codes is that they will not need updating when fields are inserted.

R variables can only be used if a Global Option is set appropriately. Go to Tools > Global Options and make sure that the item "In report writer use prefix REP instead of R" is not checked.

REP(Line Number or Code)

Fields that are calculated in the report writer can be used in any subsequent field calculation using REP variables. The line number refers to the line number in the report writer. If fields are inserted, the line numbers must be updated manually.

REP variables can only be used if a Global Option is set appropriately. Go to Tools > Global Options and make sure that the item "In report writer use prefix REP instead of R" is checked.


A constant value can be used by itself or as part of an expression.

Eg. M(mArea)*0.3, 1.54*M(mCl_Ash) + 7.3.


This function is used to report the calendar hours used by the resources in each time period. It does not require any arguments, however the parenthesis must be present. The calendar hours are the total hours between the period start date and the period finish date.


This function is used to report the operating hours used by the resources in each time period. It does not require any arguments, however the parenthesis must be present. The operating hours are the calendar hours minus the roster, minus non-operating roster exceptions, minus period delays, times availability, times utilisation, minus non-operating in path delays.


This function is used to report the work hours used by the resources in each time period. It does not require any arguments, however the parenthesis must be present. The work hours are the operating hours minus the non-productive operating delays.

Released(Data Field Number or Code)

This function reports the released values for the main database data field inside the brackets. A given main database field is released when the activity associated with the field is released. Each activity is released when the last of the activities preceding it is completed. Only additive and weight average field types can be referenced. The data field number or code must be a valid data field number or code in the main database.

OpeningInv(Data Field Number or Code)

This function reports the inventory at the start of each time period for the main database data field inside the brackets. The inventory at the start of a period is equal to the inventory at the end of the previous period. Only additive and weight average field types can be referenced. The data field number or code must be a valid data field number or code in the main database. Click here for more information on inventories.

ClosingInv(Data Field Number or Code)

This function reports the inventory at the end of each time period for the main database data field inside the brackets. The inventory at the end of a period is equal to the inventory at the start of the next period. Only additive and weight average field types can be referenced. The data field number or code must be a valid data field number or code in the main database. Click here for more information on inventories.

OriginalValue(Data Field Number or Code, Level 0 Pil, Level 1 Pil, Level n Pil, etc)

This function is used to retrieve the value for a specified data field in the Main database, at the beginning of the schedule. This function cannot be filtered.

The first argument for this function is the data field number or code and it is not optional. It indicates the data field for which the value is required. It is a long data type and may be entered as a number or a full row code.

The second argument for the function is Level 0 Pil and it is not optional. It represents the Pil number for the required record at level 0.

The remaining arguments are optional. They represent the Pil numbers for the required record at each successive level of the database.

If the required record is at level 3, then the function will required the Level 0 Pil, the Level 1 Pil, the Level 2 Pil and the Level 3 Pil, in that order.

If the specified data field is a numeric type of field (ie. Additive, Weighted Average, Average, Date, Record, Min, Max, Difference, Ratio, Product, Sum) the value returned is the numeric value from the main database record.

If the specified data field is a Classified field, the value returned is the number of the classification. The number for each classification can be viewed by clicking on the classified field for a record and selecting Classification from the right click menu.

If the specified data field is a Note field, the value returned is zero.

If the data field number does not exist in the Main database, then the function will return a value of zero.

Eg. OriginalValue(mGeo_Area,1)
OriginalValue(mOre_Haul, 1, 5, 7, 3)

OpeningInvSP(Data Field Number or Code)

This function returns the accumulated inventory for a Stockpile at the start of the time period, for the specified data field. The stockpile should be specified using either the Destination or GetDestApil filters.

Note that this function does not give meaningful results if a filter is not used.

Eg. OpeningInvSP( mMin_CoalTon )

ClosingInvSP(Data Field Number or Code)

This function returns the accumulated inventory for a Stockpile at the end of the time period, for the specified data field. The stockpile should be specified using the Destination or GetDestApil filters.

Note that this function does not give meaningful results if a filter is not used.

Eg. ClosingInvSP( mMin_CoalAsh )

OpeningDumpCapacity(Data Field Number or Code)

This function returns the remaining dump capacity at the start of the time period, for the specified dump capacity data field. The dump should be specified using the Destination or GetDestApil filters.

Note that this function does not give meaningful results if a filter is not used.

Eg. OpeningDumpCapacity( mMin_DumpCap)

ClosingDumpCapacity(Data Field Number or Code)

This function returns the remaining dump capacity at the end of the time period, for the specified dump capacity data field. The dump should be specified using the Destination or GetDestApil filters.

Note that this function does not give meaningful results if a filter is not used.

Eg. ClosingDumpCapacity( mMin_DumpCap )