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The Statistics tab in the Project Properties window generates a number of project statistics that you can review. The table below describes the fields in this tab:




Main Database

Number of data fields

Displays the total number of data fields in the main database.

Number of lowest level records

Displays the total number of lowest level records in the main database for the Deposit, Stockpile and Dump branches, and the Total for all three branches.

Total number of records

Displays the total number of upper and lowest-level records in the main database for the Deposit, Stockpile and Dump branches, and the Total for all three branches.

Other Databases

Number of Calendar databases

Displays the number of calendar databases.

Number of Results databases

Displays the number of results databases.

Number of Parameters databases

Displays the number of parameters databases.


Number of Scenarios

Displays the number of scheduling scenarios in the project.

Active Scenario

Displays the current active scenario.