Most of the standard reports that can be generated from an XPAC schedule are based on a total for each time period scheduled. The resource output paths can be printed, however they tend to be very detailed reports.
It is possible to design and generate your own schedule report using XCM. Such a report may be in the form of a text file, a csv file or an Excel Spreadsheet. It may contain detailed information about each step in the resource output paths, totals for each period or anything in between these two extremes. The XCM may obtain information from the main, calendar or results databases, or it may interrogate the resource output paths. This is done using XCM functions that have been written specifically for these purposes.
The options that are available for creating your own report are too numerous and varied to describe here. If you would like to create your own report using XCM, please contact RPMGlobal for assistance.
For experienced XCM users, the following functions may be of specific use in this task.
To read information from any database:
DbReadValue, DbReadName, GetFieldInfo.
Return Scenario and Period Names:
GetRecNumFromPeriod, GetActiveCalendarName, GetActiveScenarioName.
Interrogate the resource output paths:
GetOutputPathNoOfSteps, GetOutputStep, GetOutputRangeForPeriod, GetPeriodRangeForResource, GetPeriodRangeForScenario, GetMineStatus.