XPAC Reference Guide

Building structure using XCM

Building structure using XCM

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Building structure using XCM

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In some instances, you may have reserve data in a format that is unsuitable for import into XPAC. One solution to this problem is to write an XCM that will read the data file, create relevant records in the database and write the data into these records.

If this situation arises, we suggest that you contact RPMGlobal for further assistance.

For experienced XCM users, the following XCM functions will be required for this task:

Open filename
Close # file number
Line Input # file number

The following points should be noted in relation to building database structure using XCM:

When data is being imported, the XCM should determine whether the record already exists. If the record exists, then the data can be written into that record. If the record does not exist, then the XCM should create it.
Some records may exist prior to the import of data, but not be present in the data being imported. The XCM can be used to delete these records, if required.