XPAC Reference Guide

Calculating upper level data

Calculating upper level data

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Calculating upper level data

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After you have made certain changes to the database, upper level record data and the totals column may need to be recalculated. This will be indicated as follows:

All of the affected record names will be displayed in red in the Structure Tree, eg. East05.
All of the affected data will be displayed with strike through in the Data Sheet, eg. 2000.
All of the affected records will be displayed with a question mark before their name in the Data Sheet, eg. ?North.

For example, this may occur if you run an XCM over the database or if you select a different database range. These records are called "Dirty Records" and they can be recalculated as follows:

Press the F9 key.
Select Tools from the application menu and then select Manual Recalculation.

After the records have been recalculated, their names will be displayed in black.

Full recalculation

The processes described above will only recalculate those records that XPAC believes need recalculation, ie. the records marked in red, etc. If something abnormal should occur to your database, such as a loss of power to your PC or a system crash while running an XCM, then there is a chance that upper-level records will require recalculation but not be marked as such. In these situations, you may need to use the full recalculation option. This option will recalculate all upper-level records in the database.

To perform a full recalculation, select Tools > Full Recalculation from the application menu or press Shift+F9.

It is not necessary to use this option under normal operating circumstances. Even in the examples provided above it may not be needed. It is only required if you think there may be a problem.