XPAC Reference Guide

Calendar database levels

Calendar database levels

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Calendar database levels

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After you specify the name of the calendar database, you will need to supply calendar database level details. For a calendar database, the levels will be such things as Year, Quarter, Month, Week, etc. The calendar database levels are defined in the much same way as the main database levels.

Reverse Apil

If the Reverse Apil box is ticked for any level, then the records at that level will be displayed in reverse order in the tree structure. That is, the records with the lowest position in level numbers will be at the bottom of the structure tree and the records with the highest position in level numbers will be at the top of the structure tree.

Level icons

Icons can also be assigned to each level of your calendar database for display in the structure tree view. To assign icons to your levels click on the Assign Icon button. Some icons have been supplied specifically for calendar database levels, e.g. Years, Quarters, Months.

Position table

A position table can be set up for any of the calendar levels after the database has been created. Position tables are not often required in calendar databases.