XPAC Reference Guide

Chart wizard

Chart wizard

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Chart wizard

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The Chart Wizard is a series of tabbed dialog boxes that guides you through the process required to create a new First Impression chart or modify an existing chart for use with your application. With the Chart Wizard, you can quickly accomplish many design tasks that would otherwise take much longer to complete.


The wizard returns the chart to default.

When you use the chart wizard to modify existing charts, the wizard will return the chart back to its default settings and then restore only those features it controls in the Gallery, Layout, and Axes tabs. Take care when modifying existing charts that may have originally been created without the wizard. You may need to manually adjust some chart settings after using the wizard.

To access the chart wizard:

1.Open your chart.
2.Right-click the chart control on the form.
3.Select Wizard from the menu.

The chart wizard will display the first of four dialog boxes (Gallery):
