XPAC Reference Guide

Double-clicking chart elements

Double-clicking chart elements

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Double-clicking chart elements

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You can also display format the chart by double-clicking chart elements. The following table lists which part of the Chart Designer displays when you double-click various chart elements.



Menu Item

The chart but not on a specific chart element


Any part of the footnote


Any part of the title


Anywhere in the legend area other than the keys


The legend keys

Series (at the series that corresponds to the key selected)

Anywhere in the plot area, but not on a specific chart element


An axis label

Axis Labels (under the Axis that corresponds to the label selected)

The line or ticks on an axis

Category or Values, depending on which axis you selected.

The axis title text

Axis Title (under the Axis that corresponds to the title selected)

Anywhere on the base or wall other than a grid line


A chart element in an unselected series or the legend key identifying the series


The series label

Datapoint Labels (at the series level)

The data point label

Datapoint Labels (at the datapoint level)