XPAC Reference Guide

Create a new dump path

Create a new dump path

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Create a new dump path

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To create a new Dump Path, click Dump Paths in the schedule setup tree for any scenario. A list of existing Dump Paths will be displayed on the right hand pane of the window. Click the New button to the right of this list and a new Dump Path will be added to the list. Initially it will be called NewPath or NewPath(1), etc, however if you type in a new Dump Path name immediately it will be renamed. The new Dump Path name will appear in the list on the right hand pane of the window and also in the schedule setup tree under the Dump Paths item.

Any Dump Path that you create will be available for use in all of the scenarios (in the same way as Input Paths). This means that if you edit a Dump Path, the changes will affect all scenarios that make use of that Dump Path. If you click on Dump Paths in the schedule setup tree for each scenario, the list of paths will always be the same for each one.

When you first create a new Dump Path in a scenario, it will not be assigned to any of the resources. This is done later for each resource, under the Resources item in the schedule setup tree.