Available tabs
Change the chart type (there are several options for 2D and 3D). Set the layout, format the fill, frame, and shadow displayed in the chart backdrop. Set a background picture for the chart.
Format the title backdrop and font, edit the title text, and control the display of the title and its location.
Format the footnote backdrop and font, edit the footnote text, control the display of the footnote and its location.
Format the legend backdrop, change the font used to display the legend text, and control the legend location.
Set the chart position and shape, control 3D formatting and lighting, format the plot backdrop and picture and set chart-type specific options.
Category or
• | Category Scale/Value Scale |
Change the scale for the category or values selected and format the axis and grid pens.
For a value axis, you can also change the scale type.
Axis Title
(Expand Category and Value options)
Format the axis title backdrop, font and picture, edit the axis title text , control the display of the axis title and location.
You can find axis title options under each of the , , and headings.
Axis Labels
(Expand Category and Value options)
Format the axis label backdrops, fonts and picture, edit axis label text , control the display of the axis labels and their location.
You can find axis label options under each of the , , and headings.
Control the display of series, stack and unstack series, plot a series on a secondary axis, format series appearance such as bar shape, line style, markers, and fill colours.
XPAC displays each series as a sub-menu option. Expand the series to display the , and tabs, where you can set series smoothing, and format statistics lines and guidelines.
Further expand the series to access datapoints and datapoint labels.
(Available under each series' sub-menu)
Format the fill and marker for all data points in a series.
Expand and select each individual data point to format data points separately. You can return any individual datapoints you edit to the series default from the tab.
Datapoint Labels
Control the type and location of the labels for all datapoints in the series. Format the font and layout of the label text for all datapoints in the series and format the label backdrop for all datapoints in the series.
Expand and select each individual datapoint to format datapoint labels separately. You can return any individual datapoint labels you edit to the series default from the tab.
Series Labels
: Displays datapoint label tabs that are common to all selected items.
Generally unavailable. requires the labels to be exactly the same, and come from the same source. It is not enough that both labels are "Total <x> Tonnage", for instance; XPAC must have taken the label values from exactly the same column or row in your model.
Where this is the case, provides the same functionality as , only as applied to all series that share common labels. For example, if you had two series with the same labels, you could use this option to edit both series' labels at once, rather than having to edit the two series individually using the option.