XPAC Reference Guide

Generating a Gantt chart

Generating a Gantt chart

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Generating a Gantt chart

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To generate a Gantt chart for the active scenario, you should first ensure that the schedule has been calculated. From the schedule setup window, select View from the application menu and then Gantt Charts from the drop-down menu, or click the Gantt button on the toolbar.

In either case, XPAC will display the list of Gantt chart templates that have already been created. Highlight the required template, then click the Select button to generate the Gantt chart. Depending on the options set in the template, you may be asked to supply a database range for the Gantt chart.

You can make changes to the settings once XPAC has generated the Gantt chart. Leaving the Gantt chart displayed, click the Generate a Gantt Chart button. Edit the template that you used to generate the Gantt chart, then regenerate the chart. XPAC will display only one Gantt chart tab at a time, so the new chart will replace the previous chart.