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You can make optional changes to your Gantt chart on the Options tab of the Gantt Template Properties dialog. Access the Gantt Template Properties at View > Gantt Chart > Edit or click the Gantt toolbar button and select edit.

Include Report Writer

Use the report writer to display numerical schedule information on the Gantt chart. To include report writer information, tick the box. The Report option, directly underneath, will then become available for selection.


XPAC will display all of the existing schedule reports in the drop down list. A schedule report writer is used to control the numerical schedule information that is displayed on the Gantt chart.

You can select any one of the report writer reports for inclusion on the Gantt chart. Generally, you will want to set up a new report, containing information relevant to the Gantt chart you are generating. To do this you will have to return to schedule setup. Create a new report with report writer and then return to the Gantt chart template to select the new report writer from the drop down list.

Show Legend

This option controls whether or not a legend is to be displayed on the Gantt chart. If a legend is displayed, it will contain the colour and hatching codes for the resources and activities. The legend is positioned on the bottom left of the Gantt chart.

Ensure separation between bars

When you check this option, XPAC will position the bars representing each separate scheduling step on a separate line. For example if a record is scheduled across a roster exception, then the bar will be split onto two lines. Similarly, if the records in the Gantt chart are being displayed at an upper level, then XPAC will display each of the lower level records in an upper level record on a different line to the previous record.

Separate Non-Productive Activities

Check this box to make XPAC separate your productive and non-productive activities on the Gantt chart.

Show Empty Blocks

By default, XPAC will hide empty blocks when displaying the Gantt chart. Check this box to have XPAC show empty blocks on your Gantt chart.


Use a database range to limit the Gantt chart to particular sections of the database. By default, the range will be set to <All>, which includes all records in the database. To select a range from those already set up, open the range drop down list and select one of the ranges. To set up a new range for the Gantt chart or to edit an existing range, click Ranges.

This Range will not apply to the column summary

Note that the selected range will not be applied to any column summary data that is displayed on the Gantt Chart

Ask each time the Gantt Chart is drawn

The other option with ranges is to be asked for a range each time you draw the Gantt chart. To select this option, click the radio button to the left of "Ask each time the Gantt Chart is drawn".

Colour Bars by Location

The records in a Gantt chart can also be coloured by location within the database. For example, you may want to colour the records according to which pit they are in, or which pit and panel. If you choose to colour the bars by location, you will not be able to colour them by resource or activity. The resources or the activities can, however, still be shaded. If you would like to use this option, tick the box and further options become available below.


The Colour drop down list contains three colouring options. Whichever option is used, there are only 56 different colours available.

Auto Colour (Rainbow) - a rainbow of colours from violet to red;
Auto Colour (Distinct) - a variety of distinct colours; or
User Defined Legend - you are able to assign your own colours to each record in the level.

If you select either of the Auto Colour options, XPAC will assign default colours only. You can make a manual change to any one of the colours using the Legend button. If you select the User Defined Legend, click Legend to set up your colours for each record in the selected level.


To manually edit or to define the colours that are to be assigned to the bars, click Legend. XPAC will display all records at the selected level in a list, with their assigned colours on the right. To edit an existing colour or assign a new colour, click the Colour column to display a colour palette. Select a colour from the palette. Click OK to accept it.


When colouring the bars by location, you must specify the level of the database at which to vary the bar colours. For example, if you specify Pit level, then each pit in your database will be assigned a different colour. If you specify Panel level (which is below Pit), then each panel in each pit in your database will be assigned a different colour.