XPAC Reference Guide

Importing and exporting position tables

Importing and exporting position tables

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Importing and exporting position tables

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You can transfer position tables from one database to another, or from one project to another, using the export and import options.

Exporting a position table

1.Open the database containing the position table that you want to export.
2.Select File > Project Properties. The Project Properties window displays.
3.Click the Levels tab.
4.Click Browse against the position table that you want to export. The Position Table For Level '<X>' window displays.
5.Right-click the data sheet and select Export. A Windows Explorer window displays.
6.Navigate to the folder in which you want to save the position table.
7.Type a name for the file.
8.Click Save.

XPAC saves the file as an XPAC Template File Version 7 (*.tpl).

Importing a position table

1.Open the database containing the position table that you want to export.
2.Select File > Project Properties. The Project Properties window displays.
3.Click the Levels tab.
4.Select the Use Position Table check box for the level that you want to import a position table for.
5.Click Browse against the position table that you are importing. The Position Table For Level '<X>' window displays.
6.Right-click the data sheet and select Import. A Windows Explorer window displays.
7.Navigate to the folder containing the position table file (*.tpl).
8.Select the file and click Open. A warning message displays.
9.Either click:
a.Clear to remove existing records in the position table before XPAC imports the new table
b.Append to add the imported position table to existing records


If duplicate records names exist, XPAC will add the imported records to the table, but you will not be able to exit the Position Table For Level '<X>' window until all duplicate records have been given unique names or removed.

10.Click OK.

XPAC imports the position table.