XPAC Reference Guide

Input Path dependencies

Input Path dependencies

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Input Path dependencies

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The Input Path dependencies are set on the Production Details tab for resources set to Input Path and Production Rate.

input path dependencies

Obey Dependencies and Precedences

Dependency rules can be applied to scenarios utilising Input Paths, but unless the Obey Dependency option is chosen the resource will follow the Input Path and ignore the dependency rules if there is a conflict.

Dependencies are the mining relationships between records and are used to define the order in which blocks must be mined i.e. before Block C can be mined, Blocks A and B must be completed. With the Obey Dependencies set a resource cannot mine a block until the predecessors of that block have been mined. If a resource encounters a block where the predecessors have not been mined then it will automatically insert delay time into its path until such time as the predecessors are mined.

To set Obey Dependencies go to the Production Details item in the Schedule Setup tree for the resource and check the Obey Dependencies and Precedences box.

You must then choose the Non Productive Activity that the resource will use to insert into its output path if dependency-related delays occur.

Enable Look Ahead

If a resource is unable to mine the next block in its input path as it not available to be mined due to dependency constraints, the look ahead functionality will allow the resource to scan ahead in its input path to find the first available record. If there are no blocks that can be mined at this point in time then a delay will be inserted into the output path until such time as there is an available step. At the end of each step the resource will start scanning the input path from the first un-mined step in the path.

The look ahead functionality can only be used in conjunction with Obey Dependencies, otherwise a resource will simply mine the input path steps in order.