XPAC Reference Guide

Period range

Period range

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Period range

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Within the report writer you can specify the period range over which the schedule results are to be processed. This period range does not have to be the same as the period range that was selected for scheduling, however the following restrictions apply:

The start period for the report cannot be set to a time period earlier than the schedule start period.
If you try to set the finish period for the report to a time period after the finish period for the current schedule then you will be given a warning message.

If the schedule needs to be re-calculated, a warning message displays:



The Period Range can only be specified when the Time Scale is set <Calendar db>. There are two ways you can set the time periods for the report (see below).

Prompt for Period Range

If you select this radio button, the Start Period and Finish Period fields will be greyed out in the report writer. You will need to provide these periods each time you run the report. If you are continually changing your start or finish periods, then it is best to select this option.

Use Selected Periods

The start and finish periods can also be set within the report writer. Click the Use Selected Periods radio button and then set the Start Period and Finish Period using the drop-down lists. Use this option when you are not changing the start or finish periods very often.