XPAC Reference Guide

Resizing the data grid

Resizing the data grid

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Resizing the data grid

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You can resize the data grid to agree with the size of the worksheet containing your data.

Resize the grid by typing the correct number of rows and columns of your worksheet in the Grid Sizes section of the data grid editor. You can also indicate the number of levels of labels the rows and columns have.


To resize the data grid for 8 rows and columns of Data:

1.Double-click the Rows field to select the current row value (you can click once, but you will need to delete the existing value).
2.Type the number 8.
3.Tab to the Columns field.
4.In the Columns field, type the number 8.
5.Click OK.

The data grid should now display 8 columns and 8 rows. The additional column and row cells will be empty.


Although the grid redisplays as you exit a cell, those changes have not yet been applied to the chart. You must click Apply or OK to affect the chart.