In the output path for a resource, each step is allocated a start and a finish time. For this reason, all time that is scheduled must be specified by a date and a time, ie. it must be fixed in time. The way that scheduled time is determined is dependent on the resource type, namely whether it is an Input Path Target or Input Path Production Resource.
For Input Path Target Resources the capacity of the resource is controlled by the specified target. These resources can be assigned a Roster and Roster Exceptions, which control exactly when the resource is planned to work (planned hours). So that the scheduled steps can be allocated to a fixed time, the target is distributed evenly over the planned hours for the time period.
For Input Path Production Resources the capacity of the resource is controlled by the operating hours and the hourly production rate. The operating hours are not fixed in time as they include some unfixed delays, eg. period delays, availability, utilisation, etc. Consequently, XPAC uses the planned hours for scheduling time, which are fixed. The entered production rate is then adjusted to account for the unfixed delays. This new production rate is called the actual production rate and it is calculated as follows:
In doing this, XPAC assumes that the unfixed delays (that is, the availability, utilisation and period delays) are spread evenly over the planned hours in the time period.