XPAC Reference Guide

The structure view window

The structure view window

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The structure view window

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The structure view window is displayed on the top left of any database screen. It contains a tree diagram of the database structure, which can be collapsed and expanded to show the records in any section of the database.

When you open an existing database, the structure tree will always display the Level 0 records (Top, Deposit, Stockpiles or Dumps) and all of the Level 1 records. All records at the other levels will be collapsed and hidden.

An example of a structure tree window is shown below with the record components labelled:

The Structure View Window

Record name

For each record in the database, the record name will be displayed.

Level icon

To the left of the record name, the icon that has been assigned to that level will be displayed. If no icon has been assigned to a level, there will be a space where the icon would normally be displayed.

Record node

To the left of the level icon, lines are used to link the current record with its parent record and its siblings. At the node for the current record, the following symbols may be displayed.

If a record has children but they are not displayed in the tree structure, there will be a plus sign to the left of the record name and level icon.
If a record has children and they are displayed in the tree structure, there will be a minus sign to the left of the record name and level icon.
If a record has no children, then there will be neither a plus nor a minus sign to the left of the record name and level icon.

Record number

By default the record numbers will not be displayed in the database structure. To display the record numbers, access Tools on the application menu and then select Database Options. Near the top of this window is an option labelled Display Record Numbers in Structure. Select this option, click OK and the record numbers will be displayed to the right of the record names in the database tree structure. The record number will be in square brackets and preceded by a hatch. To remove the record numbers from the tree structure at any stage, access the same options window and deselect the box.

Position in Level number

By default the position in level numbers will not be displayed in the database structure. To display the position in level numbers, select Tools > Options from the application menu. Near the top of this window is an option labelled Display Position in Level in Path. Select this option, click OK and the position in level numbers will be displayed to the right of the record names (and the record numbers if displayed) in the database tree structure. The position in level number will be preceded by the tilde character (~). To remove the position in level numbers from the tree structure at any stage, access the same options window and deselect the box.