XPAC Reference Guide

Using the Legend Wizard to set up shading

Using the Legend Wizard to set up shading

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Using the Legend Wizard to set up shading

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Use the Legend Wizard to help you set up a legend for your spatial data plot.

1.Click Legend Wizard on the Shading tab of the plot's Properties window. The Spatial Data Legend Wizard window displays.
2.Navigate through the pages by clicking Next and/or Back.

When you have set up the legend using the wizard, it displays in the Shading tab of the plot's Properties window.

Auto Fill Legend

The Legend Wizard also helps you automatically create the increments and colours for your legend by using Auto Fill Legend:

Legend Wizard - Auto Fill Legend




Clear the current legend

Replaces the current legend with the new legend that you are creating.

Append to end of current legend

Adds the new legend to the current legend.

Add one legend entry for every <x> values

Controls the size of each increment in the legend.


The units depend on the Field/Expression that is being shaded on the spatial data plot.

Start at value

Specifies the lowest value in the legend / plot.


If required, specify the colour for the lowest value in the plot.*

End at value

Specifies the highest value in the legend / plot.


If required, specify the colour for the highest value in the plot.*

Use hatching (cycles through four hatch patterns)

Determines whether XPAC uses a series of hatch patterns in addition to the start and end colours.

* XPAC automatically assigns each increment in the legend a colour based on the start and end colours that you define, for example:

Start colour

End colour


Shading tab - Start Colour - Red

Shading tab - End Colour - Pink

Shading tab - Red to Pink Legend

Shading tab - Start Colour - Turqoise

Shading tab - End Colour - Navy

Shading tab - Turqoise to Navy Legend