XPAC Reference Guide

Add stockpile records to an input path

Add stockpile records to an input path

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Add stockpile records to an input path

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In addition to adding records to an input path, you may also want to add stockpile records that you previously created.


You may first need to run a schedule to add stockpiles to an input path. Once you have run the schedule, XPAC displays available stockpile records at the end of any period.

To add stockpile records to an input path:

1.Open the input path that you want to edit, for example, from the Schedule Setup screen.
2.Right-click the step in the input path data sheet where you want to insert stockpile record/s and select Insert Stockpile.
3.Select the period that you want to display available stockpiles for from the drop-down list, for example, 3 : 2005/Qtr3. See Selecting the stockpile period for more information.
4.For each stockpile that you want to include, type the quantity (in tonnes) in the Qty column.


You can only select lower-level records (white rows) to include in the input path.

5.Select the stockpile/s that you have entered quantities for.


To select multiple stockpiles, press and hold Ctrl while selecting each record.

6.Click OK.

XPAC inserts the step/s into the input path, requesting the specified tonnage from each stockpile.

Assigning activities to each stockpile

Before adding steps into an input path, you may want to allocate an activity to each stockpile. By default, all stockpiles are allocated to the first activity.

To assign activities to each stockpile:

1.Right-click in the data sheet and select Activity.
2.Select the activity typically associated with it, for example, Dragline.

Selecting the stockpile period

Because of the dynamic nature of stockpiles, they usually exist for a limited portion of the schedule and it is important the user can determine which stockpiles are available at different points during the course of the schedule.

The period list box at the top of the Insert Stockpile dialog allows the user to select the period he is interested in. The list box lists all the periods in the calendar database and when a period is selected, the dialog automatically updates to reflect the status at the start of the selected period. This involves two main steps:

1.Ensuring that the list of stockpiles is updated so that it only displays the stockpiles that were available during the selected period. (XPAC does not display stockpiles that were fully depleted in earlier periods and stockpiles that have not yet been constructed).
2.Adjusting the quantities shown in the data sheet to reflect the status of the stockpile at the selected period. You can control the type and nature of the information that displays in the data sheet for a given period.

Defining fields to display in the data sheet

The data sheet in the Insert Stockpile window displays quality and quantity information about each pile and each available stockpile. By default, it displays fields currently used as the ADFs of each active resource in the scenario.

To define fields that display in the data sheet:

1.Right-click in the data sheet and select Path Fields.
2.Select fields to Add and Remove as required from the Available fields and Displayed fields lists.
3.If required, reorder selected fields by selecting a field and clicking Move Up or Move Down.
4.If required, click Reset to revert your changes.
5.If required, create a new database field:
a.Click New Field.
b.In the Database Field list, select a field.
c.Click OK.
6.If required, select a field type, for example, Database value.
7.Click OK.

The fields that you selected display in the data sheet.

Defining data to display in each field

You can define the data to display for selected fields by right-clicking anywhere in the data sheet. By default, four columns display:

Opening (the inventory at the start of the period)
Closing (the inventory at the end of the period)
In (the material added to the stockpile during the period)
Out (the material depleted from the stockpile during the period)

You can select or deselect each column to show or hide the header.