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Bar chart analysis walkthrough

Bar chart analysis walkthrough

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Bar chart analysis walkthrough

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This walkthrough is split into the following activities:

hmtoggle_arrow1Creating a new report from a sample database

To create a new report from a sample database:

1.In the main XPAC window, either:
a.Select File > Open; or
b.Press Ctrl+O.
2.In the Windows Explorer window, navigate to the Sample Projects folder.
3.Select the OC Coal Example file and click Open.
4.Click Run Scenario on the Tools toolbar.
5.Click OK.
6.Select View > Analysis Reports. The Analysis Reports window displays.
7.Click New to open a new report. The Choose the Report Type window displays.
8.Select Schedule Report and click OK. The Import Report Data window displays.
9.In the Database Fields > Main tab, select the data fields that you want to include in your report (if required, you can use the standard Shift/Ctrl functionality to select multiple fields).
10.In the TimeScale/Ranges tab, select Calendar (Default) from the TimeScale drop-down list.
11.Click OK.
hmtoggle_arrow1Building a simple vertical bar chart display with gradient colour encoding

To build a simple vertical bar chart display with gradient colour encoding:

1.On the Encodings card, select Bar from the Marking drop-down list.
2.In the Attributes pane:
a.Drag & drop Block Area to the Rows shelf.
b.Drag & drop Strip (under the Main dimension) to the Columns shelf. A vertical bar chart of the block area for each strip displays in the Pivot Grid.


Make sure you select the data set (instead of the 3. Strip hierarchy definition).

3.Drag and drop Insitu Coal Quantity (from the Measures pane) to the Color shelf on the Encodings card.
a.Double-click the Color legend that displays; or
b.Click the drop-down arrow and select Edit Colors:

Analysis Reports - Colour Legend

5.Set the colour gradient:
a.Click the left colour box. A Color palette displays.
b.Select a grey colour and click OK.
c.Click the right colour box. A Color palette displays.
d.Select a red colour and click OK.
e.Click Advanced. The Edit Colors window expands.
f.Select the Middle check box. The Middle text box displays.
g.Type 2600000 in the text box.
h.Click OK.

A graph displays three bars (each in slightly different colours of red, with the remainder displaying in different shades of grey). You can use this feature to illustrate a cut-off point, or to highlight values above or below a certain point.

hmtoggle_arrow1Building a simple stacked bar chart display

To build a simple stacked bar chart display:

1.Drag & drop the Insitu Coal Quantity measure back to the Measures pane from the from the Color shelf on the Encodings card.
2.Drag & drop the Block attribute to the Color shelf on the Encodings card.

Note how the measure added to the Color shelf created a gradient above, while the attribute created a stacked bar chart.

hmtoggle_arrow1Splitting the stacked bars into multiple rows of charts

To split the stacked bars into multiple rows of charts:

1.Click Auto Query on the analysis reports toolbar to turn off automatic query. (Turning auto query off lets you perform multiple actions without refreshing the Pivot Grid display during each action.)
2.Drag & drop Insitu Coal Quantity from the Measures pane to the right of Block Area on the Rows shelf.
3.Click Swap XY on the toolbar.
4.Click Auto Query on the analysis reports toolbar to turn automatic query back on.

Two horizontal segmented bar charts should now display: Block Area for each strip on the left and Insitu Coal Quantity for each strip on the right. Each strip bar will be broken up into its constituent block components.