XPAC Reference Guide

Introduction to analysis reports

Introduction to analysis reports

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Introduction to analysis reports

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This walkthrough is split into the following activities:

hmtoggle_arrow1Creating a new report from a sample database

To create a new report from a sample database:

1.In the main XPAC window, either:
a.Select File > Open; or
b.Press Ctrl+O.
2.In the Windows Explorer window, navigate to the Sample Projects folder.
3.Select the FE Demo Model file and click Open.
4.Click Run Scenario on the Tools toolbar.
5.Click OK.
6.Select View > Analysis Reports. The Analysis Reports window displays.
7.Click New to open a new report. The Choose the Report Type window displays.
8.Select Schedule Report and click OK. The Import Report Data window displays.
9.In the Database Fields > Main tab, select the data fields that you want to include in your report (if required, you can use the standard Shift/Ctrl functionality to select multiple fields).
10.In the TimeScale/Ranges tab, select 5-Year (Default) from the TimeScale drop-down list.
11.Click OK.
hmtoggle_arrow1Building a simple bar chart display

To build a simple bar chart display:

1.On the Encodings card, select Bar from the Marking drop-down list.
2.In the Attributes pane, expand the 5-Year dimension to locate the Year attribute.
3.Drag & drop the Year attribute to the Rows shelf. The Y-axis displays years 2000 to 2004 (inclusive) in the Pivot Grid.
4.In the Measures pane, locate the Fines Silica Grade measure.
5.Drag & drop the Fines Silica Grade measure to the Columns shelf. A horizontal bar graph of the yearly silica grade of fines from 2000 to 2004 (inclusive) displays.


To display a vertical bar graph, click Swap XY on the analysis reports toolbar.

6.If required, define a title for the chart:
a.Click the Title card where it displays <Enter layout title here>.
b.Type a name for your chart.
hmtoggle_arrow1Filtering and sorting data using the toolbars and menu options

To filter and sort data using the toolbars and menu options:

1.In the Rows shelf, right-click the Year data set and select Filter > Value Filter > Top N. The Top Value Filter window displays.
2.Filter the data to include only the top three years:
a.Select top count in the first drop-down list to display the top results in the data.
b.Select the data set that you want to filter in the second drop-down list (select Fines Silica Grade).
c.Type 3 in the third field.
d.Click OK. The bar chart displays only three years (2000, 2001 and 2004).
3.In the Attributes pane, locate Bench.
4.Drag & drop the Bench attribute to the Rows shelf to the left of the Year attribute. The top three years (in terms of the silica grade of fines) display for each bench.


Analysis reports only displays one year of data for some benches. This is because (in this example) the database only holds one year of data for those benches.

5.In the Rows shelf, right-click the Year data set and select Sort > More sort options. The Sort Options window displays.
6.Sort the years as descending in terms of Fines Silica Grade:
a.In the Sort order section, select Ascending.
b.In the Sort by section, select Field. The drop-down list becomes available.
c.Select the Fines Silica Grade value from the drop-down list.

The top three years (in terms of the silica grade of fines) for each bench display. The years of data for each bench are sorted in ascending order of the silica grade of fines.

hmtoggle_arrow1Configuring various display settings

To configure display settings:

1.Click Cards on the analysis reports toolbar. Then select either:
a.Summary to display a synopsis of your data in a card on the right of the Pivot Grid; or
b.Description to display a short description of the analysis you performed on your data.
2.From the Measures pane, drag & drop Fines Quantity to the Color shelf on the Encodings card. A gradient colour legend displays to the right of the Pivot Grid.
3.Double-click the gradient colour legend. The Edit Colors window displays. You can now use the window to change the colour gradient of the bar columns.
4.Select the bars that represent the highest two years (in terms of the silica grade of fines) for bench 968.


You can press Ctrl+Click to select multiple bars.

You should see the Summary card update displaying the following data:

MIN: 3.77
MAX: 4.07
SUM: 7.84
AVG: 3.92.

If you see different results, check your working in the section on filtering and sorting.

Sharing your results

You can share your analysis reports by:

printing your reports by clicking Print preview on the analysis reports toolbar.
pasting your report as an image by clicking Copy on the analysis reports toolbar, then opening the destination program (for example, MS PowerPoint). You can then paste the image of your output from the clipboard.
exporting your report to MS Excel or as a PDF file (see Exporting an analysis report for more information).