Dumps can be created from within the Main database or they can be created from the schedule setup window. When they are created from within the Main database, it is done in the same way as for other database records. The following notes describe how to create a dump from the schedule setup window.
In the schedule setup window, go to the tab. Expand the tree for the relevant schedule scenario and click the item in the tree. On the right pane of the window, a list of all of the existing dumps in the project will be displayed. Those dumps that have been assigned to the current scenario will have a tick to the left of the dump name. If you expand the item in the scenario tree, those dumps that have been assigned to the current scenario will be listed in the tree.
To create a new dump:
2. | Locate and expand the folder of Click in the tree for the required scenario. |
3. | Click on the button on the right of the window and a new dump will be created. Initially it will be called NewItem or NewItem(1), etc, however if you type in a new Dump name immediately it will be renamed. The new Dump name will appear in the list on the right hand pane of the window. It will automatically be assigned to the current scenario, but it will not be assigned to any of the other scenarios. |
To assign or remove a dump to/from a scenario:
2. | Locate and expand the folder of the scenario in which you want to assign a dump. |
3. | Click the folder. Any existing dumps for that folder display in the right pane. |
a. | Select the check box of each dump that you want to assign to the scenario; or |
b. | Deselect the check box of each dump that you want to remove from the scenario. |
Depending on your selection, XPAC either assigns or removes the dump to/from the specified scenario.