XPAC Reference Guide

Defining the dump properties

Defining the dump properties

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Defining the dump properties

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After a dump has been created in the Main database or in the schedule setup window, there are a number of properties that should be defined for the dump. These properties can only be set from within the schedule setup window. Note that the properties for a dump will be the same for each scenario that the dump has been assigned to. If they are changed under one scenario, then those changes will also apply to any other scenario utilising that dump.

To edit the dump properties, click on the Dumps item in the schedule setup tree for any scenario utilising the required dump. Click on the Dump name in the list on the right pane and then click on the Edit button on the far right of the window. The dump properties will be displayed as follows. Click on the required item in the window for further information.

dump properties

Dump Location

The Dump Location cannot be edited. It displays the record path name for the dump that you are currently editing.

Fill Capacity

The Fill Capacity for the dump contains the maximum quantity that can be dumped into any record in the specified dump. Since each dump record may be a different size, the Fill Capacity references a Main database data field. Only additive data fields that have been assigned to activity zero will be displayed for selection.

Note that the units for the Fill Capacity may be expressed as either a bank or a loose quantity. However, it is important that the Fill Accumulation Field should have the same units as the Fill Capacity.

Activity Mapping

Activity Mapping is used to combine source activities into a single dump activity. Click here for further information.

Activities Table

The table on the bottom of the Dump properties window contains a listing of all productive activities that are active in the selected scenario. A number of values must be specified for each of these activities, as described below.


All productive activities that are active in the selected scenario are listed in this table.


The Active flag is used to specify which productive activities can be deposited into the specified dump. Only those activities that are set to Active can be dumped. Click in this column to activate/deactivate the productive activity for the specified dump.

Fill Accumulation Field

The Fill Accumulation Field is used to determine how much of the relevant activity in the source record can be dumped into the specified dump. This field references a Main database data field. Only additive data fields that have been assigned to the current activity will be displayed for selection.

Note that the units for the Fill Accumulation Field may be expressed as either a bank or a loose quantity. However, it is important that the Fill Capacity should have the same units as the Fill Accumulation Field.