XPAC Reference Guide

Data import main database section

Data import main database section

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Data import main database section

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If you are not modelling Dumps or Stockpiles in your Main database, then the following information is not relevant.

If you are modelling Dumps or Stockpiles in your Main database, then you will need to specify which section (Deposit, Stockpiles or Dumps) of the Main database you want to import into. This can be done in two ways.

1.If you want to import into the Deposit, then click any record within the Deposit section of the Main database. This can include the Deposit record itself. Proceed with the import of your deposit data. Similarly, if you want to import into the Stockpiles or Dumps, then click any record within the relevant section of the Main database. Note that to do this you will need to have already defined at least one Dump or Stockpile. Note that the database section that you were clicked on when you started the import process will be displayed on the top line of the Import Template.
2.In the Import Template that you set up, define a Level 0 field to read in the import file. For Deposit records, the Pil number should be 1 or the record name should be "Deposit", for Stockpile records the Pil number should be 2 or the record name should be "Stockpiles" and for Dump records the Pil number should be 3 or the record name should be "Dumps". Note that Level 0 can only be assigned in the Main database. It is not relevant to the other database types. This facility means that you have the ability to import the Deposit and Dump records from a single file.