XPAC Reference Guide

Database Options

Database Options

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Database Options

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You can define the settings that XPAC uses to display data in each database in your XPAC project. For example, you may want to display record numbers in the Yearly calendar database and Main database, but not the Monthly calendar database.


The settings that you specify only apply to the database that you are currently viewing.

To specify database settings:

1.Select Tools > Database Options. The Options for <databasename> Database Window displays (where <databasename> is the database you are currently viewing, for example, Main).
2.Specify the display options that you want to apply to the structure tree as required, for example, you may want to display the PIL number for each record.
3.Click OK.


The table below describes the options available in the Database Options window:




Structure tree

Display Levels In Path Name

Inserts each level name when displaying the record path in the status bar, for example:

Database options - Display levels in path name (selected)

Otherwise, XPAC only displays record numbers:

Database options - Display levels in path name (deselected)

Display Record Number in Structure

Displays the unique record number for each record in the structure tree, for example:

Database options - Display record number in structure (selected)

Otherwise, XPAC only displays the record name:

Database options - Display record number in structure (deselected)

Display Absolute Position in Level (APIL) in Tree

Displays position in level (PIL) numbers in the structure tree, for example:

Database options - Display APIL numbers in structure (selected)

Otherwise, XPAC displays only the record name:

Database options - Display APIL numbers in structure (deselected)

Display Period Number in Path (Calendar Only)

Note: This option is only available for calendar databases.

Displays the period number for each record in the structure tree, for example:

Database options - Display period number in path (selected)

Otherwise, XPAC displays only the record name:

Database options - Display period number in path (deselected)

Data sheet

Display Description in Transposed Views

Displays the description of each field in the Data Field Name row (for example, Non-Acid Forming Waste) when viewing the data sheet in a transposed view.

Display N/A for Upper Level Records

Displays N/A in the cell if an upper level (no aggregate) record is blank (has no value).

Display Debug Information

Displays internal ID diagnostic information.

Display Period Number in Header (Calendar Only)

Note: This option is only available for calendar databases.

Displays the period number in each header, for example:

Database options - Display period number in header (selected)

Otherwise, XPAC displays only the record name:

Database options - Display period number in header (deselected)

Display Flat Calendars (Calendar Only) Ctrl+E

Note: This option is only available for calendar databases.

Displays all calendar increments in the data sheet (hides the structure tree in the main workspace).


Field storage grow by

Lets you specify how many database rows you want to reserve for fields that you may eventually create.