XPAC Reference Guide

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The table below describes the options available from the Tools menu:

Menu option


Manual Recalculation

Recalculates/refreshes changed database fields. XPAC only recalculates those data fields that have been changed.

Full Recalculation

XPAC performs a full recalculation of the database. All data fields in the selected database are recalculated.


Lets you edit, debug and run XCMs. Select:

Edit - to edit an XCM script.
Debug - lets you debug a script.
Run Once - runs an XCM script for a single iteration.
Run Once At Current Period - runs an XCM script for a single iteration at the current period (specified in the Scenario toolbar).
Run Range - runs an XCM script over a specified range of records.
Run Range At Current Period - runs an XCM script over a specified range of records at the current period (specified in the Scenario toolbar).
Run Immediate - launches the XCM Debugger with a new, empty script.
Run Script <x> - runs the script assigned to that button, for example, Run Script 3. See Global Options for more information.
Choose Editor - lets you select which script editor to use. Either:
select Use the built in script editor; or
browse for the script editor that you want to use.


Lets you manage and create macros. Select either:

Macros to manage macros; or
Record New Macro to start recording a new macro. You can then click Stop Recording on the Macro toolbar.

Database Options

Displays the Database Options window, letting you specify structure tree and data sheet settings for each database.

Global Options

Displays the Global Options window, letting you specify general, compaction and scripting options for your project.

3D Graphics Settings

Lets you specify the settings that XPAC uses to generate spatial data plots (see 3D Graphics Settings window for more information).

Dump to Access DB

Lets you export data from a selected database to an MS Access file format.

Data Validation Rules

Lets you validate data field values (see Data validation for more information).

Batch Output Reports

Lets you generate a batch of reports, for example, you may want to generate database, schedule and spatial data plot reports simultaneously. See Batch Output Reports for more information.