Unless otherwise specified, the charting utility will draw contours on a chart at major axis divisions. You can increase or decrease the number of contours that display on your chart in order to best plot your specific data. The charting utility lets you design custom contours for your chart.
The first step in designing custom contours for your chart is to deselect the check box on the Contour tab. You can then customize contours by modifying current contours, adding new contours or deleting existing ones. You can also label contours. The charting utility displays value labels in the legend.
To add a new contour:
1. | Select a contour value from the or type a value in the field. |
2. | Click . The charting utility will add a new value to the contour list. |
3. | Click or to redraw the chart to reflect the changes. |
To delete an existing contour:
1. | Select a contour value from the . |
3. | Click or to redraw the chart to reflect the changes. |
To modify a contour:
1. | Select a contour value from the . |
2. | Type the new value for the contour in the field. |
3. | Click or to redraw the chart to reflect the changes. |
To add a contour label:
1. | Select a contour value from the . |
2. | In the field, type the value label you want the charting utility to display in the legend. |
3. | Click or to redraw the chart to reflect the changes. |