XPAC Reference Guide

Importing and exporting data field displays

Importing and exporting data field displays

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Importing and exporting data field displays

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You can import and export data field displays so that you can use them in other XPAC projects.

To export data field displays:

1.Click Fields on the Fields toolbar. The Field Selection window displays.
a.Export a single data field display:
i.Select the data field display that you want to export.
ii.Click Export > <data field display name>.
b.Export all data field displays:
i.Click a blank area of the window.
ii.Click Export.
3.In the Windows Explorer window, navigate to the folder in which you want to save the data field display/s.
4.Type a name for the file.
5.Click Save.

XPAC saves the file as an XPAC Template File (*.tpl). If required, you can now import the data field display/s into another XPAC project.

To import data field displays:

1.Click Fields on the Fields toolbar. The Field Selection window displays.
2.Click Import. A Windows Explorer window displays.
3.Navigate to the folder containing the XPAC Template File (*.tpl) that you previously exported.
4.Select the file and click Open.

XPAC imports the data field display/s.