XPAC Reference Guide

Importing data from a file

Importing data from a file

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Importing data from a file

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Data can be imported into an XPAC database using a text file, which many other software systems can generate and read. The data import and export facilities can also be used to transfer database data from one XPAC project to another.

The data in the text file must be in a regular pattern for XPAC to be able to read it, however there is much flexibility in the data patterns that are acceptable. Any pattern of data that can be imported can also be exported. In general, the data should be either:

Delimited - each item of data is separated from the next by a specified character; or
Fixed Width - each item of data is located within specific columns.

The data in the text file must also include unique identifiers for the database record, used for controlling where the record is located in the database.

See Importing data for details on how to import data into XPAC.