You can use an RGB database legend with an XCM script containing the MakeRGB function to specify shading for blocks in your plot. See MakeRGB in the XCM programming guide for more information.
1. | Select RGB Database Legend from the drop-down list. Options to define an RGB legend display. |
2. | Complete the settings as required (see table below). |
The table below describes the settings that you can use to set up an RGB database legend:
Attribute |
Description |
Example |
Legend Title |
Type a name for the legend to be used when printing the legend. |
Legend |
Specify the database field. Either:
M(mGeo_CoalThk) |
Use Separate Destination Expression |
Select this check box to use a separate field or expression to shade destination records. |
N/A |
Specify the database field. Either:
GetAPIL(2) |
Texture Scale |
Specify the texture scale (see Texture Scale for more information). |
N/A |
Transparency |
Specify the transparency (see Transparency for more information). |
N/A |