XPAC Reference Guide

Spatial data expression examples

Spatial data expression examples

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Spatial data expression examples

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The row codes used in these examples may not necessarily correspond with fields in your XPAC project. You will need to use row codes as setup in your Main database.

Z Field/Expression examples

To assign a Z value based on the level 4 (seam) position number which is less than or equal to forty:

400 - GetApil(4) * 10

To assign a Z value for the waste horizon:

M(mSeam_FloorRL) + M(mIS_Cl_Thk)

To assign a Z value based on a level 2 (bench) name such as RL260:

CStr(Right(GetRecNameAtLevel(2), 3))

Extrusion Depth Field/Expression examples

Total Shovel Waste Thickness:


Block Thickness:

M(mRL_Roof) - M(mRL_Floor)