The Spatial Data tab lets you determine where XPAC will retrieve spatial data from, and how to represent it. It also lets you specify Z values so that you can render 2D spatial data into a 3D plot. The properties on the Spatial Data tab are split into the following sections:
This section lets you determine which spatial data set to use to generate the plot (for example, you may have a 2D spatial data set to use for simple tasks in XPAC, and a 3D spatial data set that you use for more detailed tasks).
Option |
Description |
Spatial Data Set |
Select a spatial data set for XPAC to use when generating the plot. |
Activity |
Specify which activity blocks should be derived from. Select either:
Use Default Object If Activity Object Not Found |
XPAC will try to locate the block for the selected activity. If it cannot find a block, XPAC uses the block for the default activity instead (if it exists).
Use Parent Object If No Object Found |
XPAC will use data from a parent block if it cannot find data for the target block. This is useful when spatial data is stored in a single record for the parent, but used by all child records. |
Warn If Missing Or Bad Objects |
XPAC will display a message while generating the plot if:
The Z Field/Expression (Polygons Only) section lets you determine where and how XPAC displays polygons along the Z axis.
The Z Field/Expression field is an alternative value to use for the Z coordinates of polygons. You can either:
• | leave the field blank (XPAC uses the Z coordinates specified in the spatial data attached to each record) |
• | select a Main database field from the Z Field/Expression drop-down list |
• | type an expression. |
The expression must return a value for each record in the polygon plot range, which will be used as the Z value. The Z Field/Expression field also lets you use XCM functions or commands, provided you can fit it on a single line. |
See Spatial data expression examples for more information.
Polygons in XPAC only make up surfaces, so you can use the Extrusion Depth Field/Expression field to apply a thickness to polygons. Polygons are usually are plan images of block boundaries, and are as such mainly in the X/Y plane, so the Extrusion Depth Field/Expression field can be very useful to enhance plots. You can either:
• | leave the field blank so that XPAC uses a value of zero (no extrusion) |
• | select a Main database field from the Extrusion Depth Field/Expression drop-down list |
• | type an expression. |
The expression must return a value for each record in the polygon plot range, which will be used as the extrusion depth. The Extrusion Depth Field/Expression field also lets you use XCM functions or commands, provided you can fit it on a single line. |
See Spatial data expression examples for more information.
You can also specify the extrusion direction by clicking Browse. If you specify a positive value, XPAC will extrude polygons upwards (in the direction of the Z axis). Otherwise, if you specify a negative value, XPAC will extrude polygons downwards (in the opposite direction to the Z axis). Additionally, if you specify a Left-handed Coordinate System, XPAC will reverse the extrusion. |
The Spatial Data tab also lets you specify other options for spatial data:
Option |
Description |
Z Scale Exaggeration |
Use this field to exaggerate the Z axis scale to view more vertical detail. This may be useful for mines that have a large lateral extent, but are shallow in their vertical extent. This field is a constant number and it is applied to all Z coordinates, Z Field/Expression and Extrusion Depths. |
Hides unshaded blocks from the plot. For example, you may not want to display mined out blocks when viewing a Mine Status plots. |
Show All Objects For First Activity |
Displays outlines for the first activity (XPAC hides unshaded portions of subsequent activities). |
Determines whether the plot uses a left or right-handed coordinate system. |
This option determines whether polygons are generated with or without holes. Multiple polygons can be associated with a record and activity in a spatial data set. In the Edit Spatial Data window, the coordinates of all of these sub-polygons are displayed in the right window pane. Each sub-polygon is separated by a blank (not zero) polygon point.
Note: Selecting this option may affect system performance. If the generated polygon is thin (such as with underground roadways), it may be difficult to select each polygon, and shading may not be as clear on smaller scale drawings. |
Reverse Scan Order |
Reverses the normal scan direction set on the General tab. |