XPAC Reference Guide

Spatial data sets

Spatial data sets

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Spatial data sets

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XPAC uses spatial data sets to store alternative graphical representations of the same data. For example, you may want to store low and high detail sets of the same data so that you can use the more appropriate set for the work that you are carrying out. Otherwise, if you have 2D and 3D spatial data sets, you may prefer to use the 3D set when working in more detail, whereas you can use the 2D set for more high-level work. You may prefer to use a low detail spatial data set to run XCMs, while you may need to use high level sets to visualise and examine data in detail.

Additionally, you may want to use one data set to store the plan or elevation view of the deposit, and another set to store a diagrammatic view. The diagrammatic view may include productive activities so that you can use the blocks to select steps for scheduling input paths. You can also use the diagrammatic view of the data to display blocks that have not yet been scheduled for processing or to ensure that the scheduling sequence is logical and practical.

To view and edit spatial data, you will need to open the Edit Spatial Data window.


To store data sets in an XPAC project, you must first import the data. See Importing and exporting spatial data for more information.