XPAC Reference Guide

XPAC project storage

XPAC project storage

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XPAC project storage

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RPM recommends storing your XPAC project/s, XCMs and data files in a logical place. While XPAC lets you save and store these files anywhere on your network or local drive, you may want to consider the following file storage recommendations:

Create a folder to store all XPAC project data (for example, ...\My Project).
Create an additional folder in the ...\My Project folder to store any geological data files that you import into XPAC (for example, ...\My Project\Import Data). Create a separate folder for each set of imported data and include the date and/or version number (for example, ...\My Project\Import Data - 20120404).
Create an additional folder in the ...\My Project folder to store any XCMs that apply to your project (for example, ...\My Project\XCMs).
Store the XPAC project file (XPK) in the ...\My Project folder. Name different versions of the same project appropriately (for example, Solomons Gold Mine V1.xpk, Solomons Gold Mine V2.xpk, and so on).