XPAC Reference Guide

3D Graphics Settings window

3D Graphics Settings window

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3D Graphics Settings window

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You can define the settings that XPAC uses to generate spatial data plots, for example, the driver that XPAC uses to display plots, or the background colour that the 3D Scene uses.


The settings that you specify are saved in the registry for the current user; they are not project-specific.

To change 3D Graphics settings:

1.Select Tools > 3D Graphics Settings. The 3D Graphics Settings window displays.
2.Change 3D graphics options as required, for example, change the direction of the plot lighting.
3.Click OK.






Specifies the driver that you want XPAC to use when generating plots.

OpenGL Driver (default)
DirectX Driver


If required, click Browse to access more driver options.

Background Colour

Specifies the colour of the background for the 3D Scene.



If you select Custom from the drop-down list, click Browse. The standard colour picker window opens, allowing you to specify the colour that you want to use.

Selection Indicator

Specifies the type of indicator that you want XPAC to use when you select blocks in a plot.

Blend - blends the colour of the selected block/s with the background colour (partially transparent)
Fill Colour - the block is filled with a colour that you specify
Outline Colour - the block is outlined with a colour that you specify
Bounding Box - the block is outlined with a bounding box of the colour that you specify.

Display diagnostics in the 3D scene

Determines whether diagnostics information displays in the top-left corner of the 3D Scene. Provides basic information, for example, the number of triangles, the centre of rotation, distance to target, etc.



Determines whether a single light source is used in the 3D Scene. Select the check box to enable the drop-down list. By default, this option is deselected.

Cardinal directions (for example, North, Southwest, etc.)

Projection Type

Specifies the projection type that the 3D Scene uses.

Perspective - objects that are further away from the view point appear smaller in size.
Orthographic (default) - objects of a similar size appear the same size regardless of distance from the view point.

Object Outlines

Determines whether the outlines of each block display.

None - no object outlines display (i.e. XPAC displays the plot without any edges), for example:

Spatial Data Plot - Object Outlines - None

Key Edges (default) - displays edges where there is a sudden change in the surface, such as the toe and crest of each bench, for example:

Spatial Data Plot - Object Outlines - Key Edges

Note: The lines that display depend on the whether you are displaying 2D or 3D data. For example, only the outline of the polygon displays for 2D data, while XPAC finds the edges where there is a significant change in the orientation of the triangles for 3D.

All Edges - displays the edges of every triangle in the plot, for example:

Spatial Data Plot - Object Outlines - All Edges

Driver options

If required, you can access additional driver options by clicking Browse next to the Driver drop-down list. The Select Graphics Library window displays available drivers.