XPAC Reference Guide

Changing the Properties of a Feature Layer

Changing the Properties of a Feature Layer

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Changing the Properties of a Feature Layer

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You can change a number of properties for each feature layer from the Edit Feature Layers window.

1.Select the layer that you want to change properties for in the tree structure. The 3D Scene displays a preview of the feature layer.
2.Change the properties of the layer as required. For example, you can:
a.Rename a feature or layer:
i.Typing the new name in the Current Feature or Current Layer text box.
ii.Click anywhere in the record tree.
b.Specify whether a feature layer is available for use. Either:
i.Click Layer is on; or
ii.Click Layer is off.
c.Select the Layer clipped by clipping planes check box to determine whether XPAC clips a layer when using the clipping tool in a plot.
d.Override the original colour applied to a layer from a third party program:
i.Select the Override entity colours check box. The colour palette button becomes available.
ii.Click the colour palette button. The colour palette displays.
iii.Choose the colour that you want to use.
iv.Click OK.
e.Set the transparency of the layer by moving the Transparency slider.
f.Delete a feature layer:
i.In the tree structure, right-click the feature or layer that you want to delete.
ii.Click Delete. A confirmation displays.
iii.Click Yes.


You cannot assign a colour to an individual entity within a feature layer. However, you can force all entities within the layer to use the same colour by selecting the Override Entity Colours check box. The colour palette button will become available, letting you choose the colour that you want to use.