XPAC Reference Guide

Data file export format

Data file export format

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Data file export format

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Data files can only be exported from XPAC in certain formats. If you need to export your data in some other format, then XCM can be used. Please contact RPMGlobal for assistance in this area.


The exported file will be a text file.
Record Identifiers do not have to be present in the exported file, however in most cases you will want to use them to identify the data.
The data in the file will be in a regular pattern. This pattern will vary according to whether the file is a fixed width or a delimited file as described below.

Fixed width

The records will be listed down the page in the export file and the data will be listed across the page.
The data, for each record exported to the file, will occupy the same number of lines. You must specify this number in the Export Template and it can be anywhere between 1 and 999 lines.
Each new record in the export file will start on a new line.
Each item of common data will be on the same line for every record and in the same range of columns. It is the line number, and the start and finish column numbers in the Export Template that are used to position the data in the file.


There will be the same number of data items or fields for each record exported to the file. You must specify this number in the Export Template and it can be anywhere between 1 and 255 fields.
Each data item or field will be separated by the specified delimiter character.
If a field contains a null value, then two delimiters will appear side by side in the file.
Each new record written to the file will not necessarily start on a new line.