XPAC Reference Guide

Titles tab

Titles tab

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Titles tab

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The Titles tab lets you specify several titles to include in the plot when you print it. Each title displays in a specific position in the title block, for example:

Properties Window - Titles Tab


XPAC populates the Scale field based on the scale that you specify in the Plot tab.

Title Field


Displays without a Title Block?

Company Name

Specify the company name.


Site Name

Specify the name of the mine site.


User Title(s)

Include up to three descriptions for the plot. For example:

an option name (such as DL Dig Depth 45 metres Maximum)
a description of the selected database range (such as Western Pits - Base DL Pass)
a plot type description (such as Rehandle Percentage).

Note: If you decide not to use a title block, these titles will display at the top of the plot in the centre, on separate lines.



Specify the name of the person generating the plot.
Note: This can be useful for future reference when the plot requires changes.



If required, specify the name of the project manager.


Original Data

Include information about the data source. For example:

the person who generated the data from the geological model
the name of the geological model; or
the name of the data file that was imported into XPAC.


Drawing No.

Specify the report figure number (this can be useful when including the plot in a report), the version number, or description for working drawings.




You can use any of the macros (listed on the tab) to populate any field in the title block:

$TITLE inserts the name of the plot
$RANGE inserts the range used in the plot
$SHADE inserts the current shading field
$ANNO1 inserts the field for annotation #1
$ANNO2 inserts the field for annotation #2.

If you decide not to use a title block, the titles that you define may not display.