XPAC Reference Guide

Plot tab

Plot tab

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Plot tab

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The Plot tab lets you specify the way the XPAC generates the spatial data plot. For example, you can determine the plot scale, whether to display a title block or legend in the print layout, and so on. The table below describes the options in the Plot tab:





World To Print Scale

Specify the scale to represent 'world' units against the units in the printed version. For example, to set a scale of 20 printed millimetres to represent 100 'world' metres, you can set the following:

20 print units equal
100 world units
World units metres
Print units millimetres.



Specify the ratio for the scale.
Note: Ensure the plot fits within the selected paper size, otherwise some blocks will not display. If you have rotated the plot, or it is being displayed in a perspective view, then the selected scale may not be valid for all dimensions in the plot. XPAC will indicate this in the scale field of the title block.


Scale to Page

Automatically scales the plot (and any plot additions) to fit the page size that you select when you print.
Note: The scale bar indicates the actual scale at which the plot is generated. The scale that displays in the title block displays as To Fit Page.


World units

Specify the actual units used in your project, for example, metres.


Print units

Specify the units to use for the printed plot, for example, millimetres.
Note: The Print Units field is only active when the scale is set to World To Print Scale.

Title Block

Title Block

Select this option to display titles (as defined in the Titles tab) in a title block when you print the plot. Otherwise, XPAC only displays the user titles at the top of the printed plot. If you select this check box, select the location of the title block:




If required, specify an angle for the title block. For example, you may want to rotate the title block 90 degrees.


Show All

Displays all legend increments specified in the Shading and Scheduling tabs.


Show Used

Displays only legend increments that are visible in the plot (i.e. if an increment does not display in the plot, it will not be included in the legend).


Show First Used to Last Used

Displays only the range of increments that are visible in the plot (i.e. the minimum increment, the maximum increment, and any increments within that range).


Show None

No legend displays in the plot.

Plot Additions

North Arrow

Displays an arrow pointing north in the bottom right corner in the page layout.
Note: North is the positive Y axis.


Scale Bar

Displays a scale bar in the bottom right corner in the page layout.


Axis Icon

Displays an axis icon showing the X, Y and Z axis in the top left corner in the page layout.



Specify the font settings for the title block, titles, scale bar, grid labels and the plot legend.



Displays only the blocks that are currently visible in the 3D Scene in the print layout (i.e. if you zoom in, only those blocks display).



Specify the minimum and maximum X and Y limits for the plot to display in the print layout, regardless of the blocks that are currently visible.
Note: You can also type Auto for the X and Y coordinates if you want XPAC to determine the limits based on the blocks currently displayed in the database range. An extra margin will also be added.

* If you have rotated the plot, or selected a perspective view, the selected scale may not be valid for all dimensions in the plot (indicated in the scale field of the title block in the page layout).