XPAC Reference Guide

Assigning calendar data (Editing a Calendar)

Assigning calendar data (Editing a Calendar)

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Assigning calendar data (Editing a Calendar)

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Time periods (database records) can be created and data can be assigned in your calendar database in a number of ways, depending on the format of the calendar data.

The Calendar wizard

The calendar wizard can be used to create time periods for your calendar database and to assign a start date to each time period. Other calendar data cannot be assigned using the calendar wizard.


Since calendar databases are often small and simple in structure, the quickest way to create time periods and assign data may be manually. Time periods are manually created in the same way as records are manually created in a main database. Similarly, data is manually assigned in the same way as it is in a main database.


Data can be imported into your calendar database in the same way as data is imported into a main database. Data can also be exported.


XCMs can be written to create time periods and to assign data to your calendar database. XCMs written for a calendar database have the same format and syntax as those written for a main database. The only difference is in the way the calendar data field codes are written.

In a calendar database, when the data field codes are used to reference a data field, they are prefixed by an upper and a lower case "c", eg. a data field with code Shovel_Delay is written as C(cShovel_Delay).

In the main database, when the data field codes are used to reference a data field, they are prefixed by an upper and a lower case "m", eg. a data field with code Waste_Vol is written as M(mWaste_Vol).