XPAC Reference Guide

Building structure manually

Building structure manually

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Building structure manually

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It is possible to manually build your database structure, however for a large reserves database this would be impractical. Generally, a large database will have its structure built using import or an XCM. In the case of a calendar database, the structure can be built using the Calendar Wizard.

Regardless of how the database structure is initially built, you will often still need to add records at some stage. For example in a main database, you may want to add an extra block onto the end of a strip where the mine layout has been extended. Or there may be a need to add a record to represent a ramp volume. In the case of a calendar database, as time passes, you may want to add an extra year onto the end of the existing calendar or add month records to an existing year.

Click on any item below for more information on manually building database structure:

Adding Database Records
Deleting Database Records
Renaming Database Records