XPAC Reference Guide

Creating an analysis report

Creating an analysis report

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Creating an analysis report

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You may need to run and complete a scenario (or schedule) in XPAC before you can make use of the analysis reporting tools.

To create an analysis report:

a.Click Analysis Reports on the Tools toolbar; or
b.Select View > Analysis Reports.
2.Click New. The Choose the Report Type window displays.
3.Select the type of report that you want to create. The type of report will affect the types of measures and attributes that you can import.
Database Report: this report lets you query the specific databases that form your project
Schedule Report: this report provides calendar and other schedule information
Stockpiles Report: this report lets you look at the various stockpiles separately or together
Mine Status Report: this report provides information about mine progress and status.
4.Click OK. The Import Report Data window displays.
5.In the Database Fields tab, for each database tab that displays (for example, Main, Calendar), select data fields that you want to include in your report by selecting fields to Add and Remove as required from the Available data fields and Selected data fields lists. These fields display as measures when you build your analysis report.


If required, you can use the standard Shift/Ctrl functionality to select multiple fields.

6.If required, complete the Time Scale/Ranges tab:
a.Specify the TimeScale that you want to use. Either:
i.Select an existing TimeScale from the drop-down list; or
ii.Create a new time scale.
b.Select the Include Time Report check box to include a time report.
c.In the Select Ranges section, select the check box of each range that you want to import. These ranges display as attributes when you build your analysis report.
d.If available, in the Report Level section, select the database level that you want the report to cover.


Only select the database level that you need the report to cover, as system performance may be affected.

7.Click OK. The analysis report window displays in Designer Mode.

Related topics

Working with analysis report data

Available data fields

Each database tab on the Database Fields tab on the Import Report Data window displays all the available rows of data fields from the selected database in the left pane. In the following image of the Import Report Data window, there are two databases visible on the Database Fields tab, Main and Calendar, each a separate tab:

Analysis Reporting - Import Report Data window - Available data fields

The left pane, with the heading Available data fields, provides information about:

Full Row Code: in the XPAC database, each row of data is identified with a full row code. Full row codes normally contain information about the database, the data group and the actual data in the row. For example, mMin_DLArea tells you that the row is part of the Main (m) database, that the data group is Mining (Min) data and the actual data relates to DragLine Area (DLArea).
Description: this column provides a more complete description of the data in the row than the full row code. Entries in this column are grouped.
Field Type: this field describes the type of data contained within the data fields of the row. See Field type for more information about the available XPAC field types.
Aggregation Type: this field describes the way in which XPAC aggregates data in the fields. The aggregation type was originally set when your database fields were defined, however you can edit this field once you add to the list of data fields you select (see Selected data fields for more information).

Selected data fields

The data fields that you select display in the right pane of the data base tab, labelled Selected data fields:

Analysis Reporting - Import Report Data window - Selected data fields

For each field selected, you can see its full row code, description, and aggregation type. In addition, there are several column fields that are only available in this pane. You are able to edit the following fields:

Description: the description of the field used in your XPAC project may not be ideal for reporting purposes. After adding a row of data, you can edit its description by clicking in the appropriate Description field in the Selected data fields pane.
Create Measure: if this check box is selected, XPAC analysis reports creates a measure for the row. If you deselect the check box, the row will not be available as a measure or attribute in the report screen.
Aggregation Type: the way your database aggregates the data may not be the way you want to report on the data. If required, you can select an option from the drop-down list. If you choose a weighted aggregation type, you will also need to choose the weighting field. See Aggregate function for information on how this is used in analysis reports.
Weighting Field: fields that have a weighted aggregation type will include a weighting field. If you add a field that is weighted, XPAC will automatically add the corresponding weighting field. You can change the weighting field of any field that is of a weighted aggregation type. You can only select a new weighting field from the fields you have already added to the database.
Actual Percent: this check box lets you define whether or not the measure will be an actual percent.


See the XCM programming guide for more information about XPAC Command Module programming.

To create a new time scale:

1.Click Browse in the Time Scale section:

Report Writer - Time Scale - Click Browse

2.In the Time Scales window, click New.
3.Type a name for the new time scale.
4.Click away from the time scale name.
5.Select the time scale that you just created.
6.Click Edit. The Auto Time Slicer window displays.
7.Specify the new time intervals that you want to use. Select either:
a.Select from Calendar to base your time intervals on the calendar database.
i.If required, select the Calendar Name that you want to use from the drop-down list.


This field will be unavailable if only one calendar database exists.

ii.Select the level of the calendar database that you want to use in the Use Level drop-down list.
iii.Select the Date Field from the calendar database that you will use to create the dates.
iv.Select the Start Period and End Period for your set of intervals.
b.Use Time Slice to create your own time slices:
i.Select the Start Date and Finish Date for your set of intervals.
ii.Select the Period Size that you want to use.
8.Click OK. The Edit Time Scale window displays a list of time intervals based on your specifications.

Report Writer - Edit Time Scale window


While the finish date for one interval does not have to be identical to the start date for the following interval, the schedule results may not appear logical.

9.If required, select the Display Total Column check box to include a totals column in the report.
10.If required, edit a date by clicking in the field and typing the new date (see Date fields for information).


You can create a date after the end date (and push the end date back), but you cannot create a date before the start date.

11.If required, you can return to the Auto Time Slicer window at any time by:
a.Clicking Time Slicer; or
b.Double-clicking any field in the table.
12.Click OK. The Scheduling Report Writer window redisplays.