XPAC Reference Guide

Edit menu

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Edit menu

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The Edit menu provides standard clipboard functions (for example, cut, copy, paste, and so on) in addition to XPAC-specific menu options. The table below describes the XPAC-specific options available from the Edit menu:


The options that display depend on the function that you are currently viewing, or the mode that you are in. For example, the Design Mode and Format Mode options only display if you are viewing a database, while Productive Activities always displays. Likewise, Field Type is only available if you are in Format Mode.

Menu option


Design Mode

Switches the current database view to design mode and format mode. This lets you format rows (for example, insert, delete, copy, paste, etc.), and format fonts and cell styles, etc.

Format Mode

Switches the current database view to format mode. This lets you format fonts and cell styles, etc.

Data Field Notes

Toggles a Notes column in the data sheet.

Field Type

Displays the Field Type window, letting you change the field type of the cell that you currently have selected.


Displays the Edit Classifications window, letting you edit the list of classifications. See Defining classifications for more information.

Note: Only displays when the database field you currently have selected is a 'classified' field type.

Row Properties

Lets you edit the properties of the row, for example, the code, description, unit, level, and so on.

Productive Activities

Lets you edit the productive activities previously set up in the project. See Defining productive activities for more information.


Displays the Range Selection window.


Displays the Field Selection window.

View Manager

Lets you edit the views that you previously created (see Views toolbar for more information).

Display Total Column

Displays a totals column for the data sheet. For example, if you are viewing the stockpiles section of the main database, a Stockpiles column containing total values displays.

Display Units Column

Displays a Units column containing the unit used for each field in the data sheet.

Display Activity Column

Displays an Activity column containing activity number assigned to each field in the data sheet.

Show Full Row Codes

Displays the full row code for each field in the data sheet.

Display Flat Calendars

Displays a flat calendar when viewing a calendar database.