XPAC Reference Guide

Printing from the database

Printing from the database

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Printing from the database

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You can print the following database information from XPAC:

hmtoggle_arrow1Database data

To print database data:

1.Open the database that you want to print database data from, for example, the calendar database.
2.Display the data that you want to print by specifying display settings, for example, you can:
3.Select the data that you want to print. Either:
a.Click a single cell to print the whole data sheet; or
b.Select the cells that you want to print.
4.Select File, then either:
a.Print to print the data sheet as it is currently displayed; or
b.Print Preview to preview the data before printing.


If required, you can specify the print settings for the printed document by selecting File > Page Setup.

hmtoggle_arrow1Data field design

You can print a list of data field names, units, field types and formats from the data field design view.

To print the data field design:

1.Open the database that you want to print the data field design from, for example, the main database.
2.Click Design Mode on the Tools toolbar. The data sheet displays in design mode.
3.Select the data that you want to print. Either:
a.Click a single cell to print the whole data sheet; or
b.Select the cells that you want to print.


If required, you can avoid printing data field properties by hiding columns that you do not want to include. Reduce the width of the column by dragging & dropping the column further left than the left border of the column to hide it.

To redisplay the column, place the cursor on the border (adjacent to where the missing column belongs) until you see a double vertical line and horizontal arrows:

Data sheet - Printing - Redisplay Columns

Drag the column to where it previously was.

4.Select File, then either:
a.Print to print the data field design as it is currently displayed; or
b.Print Preview to preview the data before printing.


If required, you can specify the print settings for the printed document by selecting File > Page Setup.

hmtoggle_arrow1Position tables

You can print position tables for a specified database level.

To print position tables:

1.Open the database that you want to print Position Tables from, for example, the main database.
2.Select File > Project Properties. The Project Properties window displays.
3.Click the Levels tab.
4.Click Browse for the database level that you want to print, for example, Level 2:

Project Properties - Print Position Table

5.In the Position Table For Level '<level name>' window, click Print. The Print window displays.
6.If required, change print settings.
7.Click OK.

XPAC sends the document to the printer.

hmtoggle_arrow1Database structure tree

You can print the hierarchical tree structure from any database.

To print the database structure tree:

1.Open the database that you want to print data from, for example, the main database.
2.Expand the tree structure to display the branches that you want to print.


Press * on the keypad to expand the whole tree structure.

3.Change the database options to display:
a.Record numbers; and/or
b.PIL numbers.
4.Click anywhere in the structure tree pane (to ensure that pane is active).
5.Select File, then either:
a.Print to print the database tree structure as it is currently displayed; or
b.Print Preview to preview the data before printing.


If required, you can specify the print settings for the printed document by selecting File > Page Setup.